Exam is over and rn waiting for my result is really a tortune for me. I don't know if I can get top 100 because final exam is kinda hard :( Those who get top 100 will get title champion when they're form 5. They'll go to trip and studying out of the school. I mean, outside from places where we usually study. how great is that be?!!
MasyaAllah missing this blog so much but I don't have idea to type duh. ok lek nak tukar bahasa lak. lepas exam ni takde mende nak buat kat sek weh. ko tau tak aku mereput kat sek sebab plan nak baca novel yg aku pinjam dari kawan but how sad dia tak bawak. Then end up main batu seremban, talking to ppl dan termenung tengok result yg menyedihkan. hahahahahah. tapi kalini I find my friends ikut jejak langkah aku baca novel. macam fazira, hidayah, ilya! seriously meja kitaorg geng dak ulat buku. well done guys! Happy dapat share stories from novel huhuhu. that's all for this entry.
My current favourite drama ; our times. oh I wish I met a bad guy who treat her so well.